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Midnight 1.0 PPC (midnight-10-ppc.hqx)

Download midnight-10-ppc.hqx (1,334,181 KB)

From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct"
Subject: Midnight 1.0 PPC

Midnight is a screen saver that kind of follows in the footsteps of After
Dark. It has various types of screen savers, from the most boring to the
most distracting. The current version includes the following:

Blank: A simple black screen.
Circles: Colored circle outlines at random places on the screen.
DropChar: ASCII characters of a font you select fall from the top of the
Flash Message: Flashes your message at random locations.
Gee, Oma Tre!: Circles, lines, rectangles, text, and stuff.
HyperTalk Commands: Select one of the programming languages (AppleScript,
HyperTalk, or BASIC) and have its commands and functions fill the screen.
Innocence: Colored dots scroll down a white screen. It just looks like it's
up to something!
Marquee: The standard scrolling message dealie.
MegaBlox: Have your computer construct a wall of Legos. When a column gets
to tall, it falls over.
Melt: Choose a picture file and melt it!
Ms. Morwyt's Chalkboard: Here's what Tamara Morwyt is stuck doing after
Mylar City Genetix: An entertaining display of flashing text.
NCircle, NSquare: Fill up the screen with any number of circles or
Pi-Rho: Colored dots fill up the originally blank screen.
RandomText: ASCII characters fill up the screen at random locations.
Stars: White dots fill up a black background.
Wacky Dialog Boxes: A collection of some of the weirdest things you've seen.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.