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2LavaLamps (2-lava-lamps.hqx)

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Subject: 2LavaLamps

An AfterDark ScreenSaver Module
by Jason Rainbows' Magic Theatre

Requires: Macintosh, AfterDark, color monitor.

Two lava lamps to amuse your eyes while you and
your Mac are idle.

Transport your Mac back in time, to a place where
there's bean-bag chairs, 8-track tapes, florescent
posters, op-art wallpaper, and incense fuming in a
brass holder next to the copy of "The Last Whole
Earth Catalogue" while Neil Diamond sings "Lordy"
from the album on the turntable.

For those of you who are too young to remember
those days, allow me to enlighten you...

Several years ago, your ancestors (those old
people you see all the time) used the lava lamp
as a soothing centerpiece and powerful aphrodasiac.

Combined with intoxicating beverages and the right
kind of music, the lava lamp was a powerful tool
in the hands of the right person. It can work for
YOU too! Try it!

But you'll have to get your OWN lava lamp. In the
meantime, here's a nifty screensaver that you can
practice with. It features, not one, but TWO lava
lamps! Lava lamps in STEREO! Double the pleasure,
double the fun. I can hardly contain my excitement.

(NOTE TO AOL USERS: I was being sarcastic when I said
"I could hardly contain my excitement", it's not really
THAT exciting to watch a lava lamp)

This module is made possible by "The Chicken Man of
Ackron Ohio", who creates editable modules for AfterDark
ScreenSaver. Thanks Tom!

Look for more Goodies by Jason Rainbows Magic Theatre
at the website;


-Jason Rainbows

"littera scripta manet - non omnis moriar"